Wednesday, June 5, 2013

GeekyOwl's Review of Dragon Lacquer

Hope you all aren't getting sick of seeing DL swatches 'cause Kirsten over at GeekyOwl is doing a Dragon Lacquer Review WEEK!

She is already up to day 3 of 5! Click on the pics to check out more swatches & read the reviews!

Day 1 - Cuticle & Hand Care:

Photo courtesy of Kirsten at GeekyOwl

I was honored at her comparison of Dragon Lacquer's Fluffy Lemon Cuticle Butter to Burt's Bees and Lush's Lemony Flutter.

Day 2 - Smart is Sexy:
Photo courtesy of Kirsten at GeekyOwl
Photo courtesy of Kirsten at GeekyOwl

I love that Kirsten did pictures with multiple coats to show build-ability.

Day 3 - Geeking Out:

Photo courtesy of Kirsten at GeekyOwl

Photo courtesy of Kirsten at GeekyOwl

Day 4 is up tomorrow and I can't wait!

Much Love & Lacquer,
Kevan @DragonLacquer aka The Dragon Lady


  1. Wow, I love this, beautiful!

  2. Oh, I love the first one! Not to mention smart is definitely sexy. :) Where can you buy these?


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