Sorry I didn't post this earlier but I have been running around doing some Christmas shopping and haven't had time.Then I sat down to photograph some polish and started making frankens and got a little distracted. Anyway, this mani is three coats of Sinful Colors Snow Me White topped with one coat of my franken, that I think I'm going to call Reindeer Poop because it looks like chewed up and ate some Christmas decorations and it also smells like peppermint candy canes. This franken has gold, silver, green, red, and holo microglitter, small green, red, silver, and gold hex glitter, large silver & holo hex glitter, and finally extra large silver hex glitter - all in a clear base. My accent nail is three coats of Sinful Colors Snow Me White konaded with BM 14 and Blue Cross Snowman unnamed green foil, then I decorated the holly berries with China Glaze Ruby Pumps and a dotting tool then topped with China Glaze Fairy Dust. All nails got a coat if Seche Vite (caused some shrinkage on a few nails).
Sunlight |
Macro - sunlight |
Macro - shade |
Macro - accent nail |
Much Love, The Dragon Lady
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